The IL Muslim Civic Coalition
The IL Muslim Civic Coalition first and foremost is a Coalition of individuals and organizations dedicated to uplifting underrepresented voices and communities. As such, our legislative priorities over the last year have focused and will continue to focus on issues and community members, both within and outside of the Muslim community, that our public and government institutions do not adequately serve.
Building on a successful 2021 legislative agenda, this year, we focused on three key initiatives.
Fresh Food For Cancer Patients - Sponsored by Rep. Sonya Harper, HB5219 would require that Medicaid cover fresh food for cancer treatment patients for a first-in-the-nation initiative. The conversation has been moved out of the legislature to the state agencies to build the program from the ground up. The process will be overseen by an ad hoc committee composed of key stakeholders brought together by the Coalition.
Faith by Plate - Sponsored initially by Senator Ram Villavallam, SB4147 would ensure that Halal and Kosher food would be served in all state facilities including hospitals, schools and prisons. The bill has been transferred to the House with sponsor Rep. Janet Yang Rohr and will have new language for the veto session.
Faith Behind Bars - Sponsored by Rep. Theresa Mah, HB5455 would ensure that individuals of different faiths have access to chaplaincy services without undue burden when incarcerated. We look forward to reaching the finish line during veto session.
Each of these bills demonstrate our approach to identify a legislative need regardless of perceived legislative feasibility, and collaborate with partners to address those needs. Many in the world are left at the discretion of what society has the stamina to advocate for on their behalf. We want to increase that stamina to advocate for those who are most underrepresented, as profoundly as possible.
To quote from the famous story of The Lorax - "Unless somebody cares a whole lot, nothing is going to change. It's just not." We know that our community does seriously care, and we are honored to be part of bringing about that change with all our partners and allies. To learn more about the Coalition, visit our website here.
Maaria Mozaffar
Director of Advocacy and Policy
The Illinois Muslim Civic Coalition